Drag and drop is used extensively throughout Cartographica where it is reasonable. Usually it provides a shortcut to some functionality elsewhere in the program's menus and windows. A few of these drag and drop shortcuts are elaborated here, but if it makes logical sense to drag and drop something it will most likely work.
Drop vector or raster files on the map window to import them.
Drop picture files that have lat & long on them into the window and they'll be plotted in a new layer on the map.
Drag layers to reorder them in the layer stack.
Drop one layer on another to copy the styles.
Drop a color swatch from the color picker onto the map background and change the background.
Drag a layer from one map window to another in order to create a new copy of that layer in the map you drop it on.
Drop a map icon (grabbed from the title bar) into a Map Layout document to add a map copy there.
Drop color maps onto analysis layers to change the color map.