3.9.2. Printing and Publishing Considerations

As with all data that is presented on maps, you must take care to appropriately cite and honor the rights of the originating entity.  In the case of OpenStreetMap, the data is explicitly open data, and as such the data itself is available under the  OpenData Commons Open Database License (ODbL).  The tiles themselves are released under the  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. Please refer to these when you consider publishing your data.

Bing Maps data is under copyright to Microsoft and it is important to verify your eligibility before using these in printed materials. Since ClueTrust no longer provides access to Bing Maps, you should consult your license if you need to print or incorporate Bing Maps data into output.

MapBox map images are under copyright to MapBox and possibly other providers. Please see the MapBox Attribution documentation for further information about appropriately citing MapBox data.